5 Ways to Make It Through the Holidays

5 Ways to Make It Through the Holidays

1. Go. To. The. GYM.

            I can’t stress this enough. You’ll feel a gozillion times better for it. Reduce your anxiety, fuel your muscles, burn off any excess calories and boost your metabolism. The rush you carry with you from a great workout will clear your mind and give you the self-confidence to rock it through those holiday parties. Plus, you’ll want to burn off any holiday indulgences immediately! Cram in as many classes as you can- you’ll never regret this decision.

2. Make as many clean dietary choices whenever possible.

            Temptation is EVERYWHERE. It doesn’t mean you have to give in to it all. Stick to clean basics: choose your meats and veggies to fill up on, then taste a little here and there- emphasis on the HERE & THERE part. You’ll feel stronger for having made a smart choice and won’t get that sugar induced stomach ache that inevitably follows.

3. Buy yourself a little holiday gift too.

            Just a little reminder to take care of yourself and feel good about who you are. You know exactly what you want and you’re the easiest person on your list to shop for. Get in that Happy Place!

4. Reduce your Alcohol consumption.

            Sometimes it seems easier to get through those holiday parties getting your drunk on. Maybe you’re right, but you’ll totally regret it. Keep your hits to a minimum. You’ll save yourself from a butt-load of extra hidden calories and avoid the headache that creeps in later. The more you drink, the more you’ll eat too. Know your limits and set a rule for yourself before ever even walking into a party. Remember, anything that happens at the drunk holiday party ends up all over Facebook. You can’t unsee that.

5. Keep close the people who make you feel your best.

            So maybe creepy cousin Bob who hasn’t seen you since you were 7, isn’t exactly the person who’ll compliment you the most. (or maybe he will, he IS creepy after all) If you’re away from your closest friends, stay in touch through text, email & social media. It’ll keep you smiling, especially when you tell your story about cousin Bob. One hilarious text from a good friend can change your whole mood. It’s one more reason to hit the gym with your best buds beforehand (circle back to #1). Indulge!


Six things to remember so you never fall out of love with CrossFit

Six things to remember so you never fall out of love with CrossFit

  1. Whatever you do, don’t stop going: This is tough.  Why would you want to go on a date with someone you don’t like…consider it more like a marriage (you are not going to easily give up on your soul-mate)  nor should you easily give up on yourself.  Go to the BOX and do the WOD.
  2. Scale back:  Don’t do the WOD RX for several days, master the movements. This is completely opposite of what everyone else is doing, but tell your coach beforehand and take your time. Do it right.  There is a certain gratification in doing each movement with absolute perfection.  Go light and go fast. This will also get your confidence up.
  3. Because you may be feeling a bit down – do not let your eating habits fall off, too. We tend to rationalize, “well I skipped the gym, so I’ll just eat this bad/junk/processed crap now to make me feel better”, or “I’ll have a glass  (or 2) of vino with dinner, alcohol is a depressant, folks!  Even if you can’t get your ass to the box for the WOD…keep your diet dialed in.  Diet is 80% of the total package.
  4. Get an accountability partner: CrossFit inherently is more accountable than most other things in our lives – but find just one person at the gym (maybe someone who is of a similar age or mindset) and be accountable to them and ask them to hold you accountable – this is the same idea as a workout buddy.
  5. It’s a lifelong journey: Remember that no matter what you are doing CrossFit for yourself, for the long haul, it is not a brief commitment,  it is a lifelong commitment and just like anything that lasts for more than a hot second, your feelings will change over time. Recognize this and move on.
  6. Don’t lose sight of your why: Remain confident that getting in three or more workouts per week statistically puts you ahead of the game  – scaled WOD or not, it all counts, so don’t be too hard on yourself!

~Lisa Scotto

Hook Grip!

Yes, the hook grip can be uncomfortable at first. So why do we emphasize the hook grip so much? Why not let people just use whatever grip they are most comfortable with?

CrossFit is about efficiency, not comfort.

Simply put, the hook grip creates friction that prevents the bar from slipping out of your hands. When the barbell slips (regardless of how small that slip might be) you lose power. Another benefit of the hook grip is that it aids in grip fatigue. Your fingers create a “clamp” that actually benefits your grip, allowing your hands and forearms to relax during lifts, rather than using full force to grip the bar tighter.

In the Olympics, weightlifters compete from all over the world. They each have their own technique and very particular ways of approaching the lift. The ONLY thing that stays the same for all contestants is the use of the hook grip. A worldwide agreement means there must some advantage to it! That makes a rather bold statement in regard to the validity of the hook grip.

The hook grip is a bit awkward and you may experience some discomfort, but give yourself a few weeks and it will get much better. Soon enough you won’t understand how you ever lived without it!

~Coach Delanie

12 Things Every Lifter Should Know

12 Things Every Lifter Should Know

1. Do your squats- All of them. If you want to be a good lifter you better get used to it.  Leg strength is a precursor to powerful lifting. They’re not bad for your knees, your bad form is. Squats don’t kill people, they make that person harder to kill.

2. Learn to hook grip- The hook grip is a way to hold the bar by grabbing your thumb with your own fingers. The hook grip allows for a secure grip and a quick turn over of the bar. See our last blog on the Hook Grip.

3. Focus on the technique- The development that occurs from proper technique is less likely to lead to injuries. For Oly lifts, snatches and clean & jerks are technique oriented – period. By performing training lifts and exercises with the best technique, the body will develop in a manner that is conducive to powerful performance and smoother lifts.

4. Your jeans won’t fit anymore – Your body is going to change. You are going to build some muscle. Girls, you just have to know that you’re going to have to give up the Kate Moss look and recognize your ass is going to be like JLo’s and your quads may not squeeze into skinny jeans anymore. But you’ll look damn good. Guys, you’ll fill out those jeans nicely.

5. Knee sleeves & wrist wraps -Knee sleeves are designed to protect the knee from future injury or risk of damage.Knee sleeves also add a valuable compression element that increases blood flow and reduces pain, not only during but also after performance. Wrist wraps are designed to help stabilize the wrist for weightlifting. The wrap creates opposing tension that will prevent over- extension of the wrist. If you wear knee sleeves & wrist wraps, they are going to stink badly. Wash your funk.

6. Learn patience – Lifting can be frustrating, painful, rewarding, hard, easy, tiring, and exciting. Learn to be patient and not get frustrated every time something goes wrong. Go into the gym every day and set little daily goals for yourself. Trust that all the time you spend working your technique, movement, and body awareness, will totally pay off. Enjoy your journey.

7. Have fun & lift in a group- Training with others breaks up some of the monotony of doing the same exercises over and over again and it turns lifting into a social experience, provides inspiration and motivation from watching your teammates accomplishments. And don’t underestimate the value of having a group of friends cheering you on as you try to make a milestone lift – sometimes that encouragement after a brutally hard clean is the difference between making the jerk and failing.

8. Your hands will take a beating- Your thumbs may hurt from learning the hook grip. Be prepared for the formation of callouses and the special joy of those callouses tearing shortly thereafter. If having soft, smooth hands is important to you, you’ve chosen the wrong sport. If you don’t have a Pumi bar or tape, run to the Defiant Gear Shop and get them NOW.

9. You are going to be sore- The squats and presses we do to improve our strength expose our muscles and joints to stress that we need to make for the physical adaption of becoming stronger. This soreness will become more manageable over time and as you start to use more advanced recovery strategies. Don’t make me say it again. Nighttime Recovery.

10. Invest in good weightlifting shoes- Weightlifting shoes have a raised heel. This is a massive advantage, as it allows you to squat into a deeper position through increased ankle range of motion. This will help you to improve your overall position too, as you’ll find yourself sitting more upright. A more upright torso means more chance of keeping hold of that barbell and sending it in the right direction – up!

11. Record your lifts – Bring your cell phone to the gym and set it up. Watch your technique. Bad habits formed early on can seriously hold back your lifting and unlearning them is a difficult and time-consuming process. What improvements do you need to make? Using the Coaches Eye app allows you to see your lifts in slo-mo until there’s no-mo mistakes.

12. Mobility- Do some quick, light cardio (like a run, row or jump rope) to raise your heart rate and body temp. Then mobilize. Got tight hips or shoulders? Open them up. Foam roll. Take 5 mins to mobilize the muscle groups you’re going to work.

** In the Defiant Gear Shop we carry Wrist Wraps, Pumi Bars, Grips, Tape, and Nighttime Recovery.